Recycling agency dreaming of a green Christmas

It may be too late for a white Christmas but Repak is calling on householders to make it a green one by recycling their packaging…

It may be too late for a white Christmas but Repak is calling on householders to make it a green one by recycling their packaging waste and Christmas trees.

The Repak Green Christmas campaign, run in partnership with certain local authorities, has set up a network of 77 locations across the State where Christmas trees and waste packaging can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.

Irish households consume 20 million bottles of wine, 106 million plastic bottles, 64 million beverage cans and nearly 4 million rolls of wrapping paper over the Christmas period.

On average each household will generate more than 80lbs of waste packaging over the festive season.


If people do not recycle, Repak warns, over 190 million recyclable containers could end up being dumped in landfills.

With today being the last day of Christmas and the day when people generally take down their Christmas trees and throw out their waste, Repak urged householders to use the centres and not to dump.

Repak's Mr Andrew Hetherington said: "Now that the Christmas festive season is coming to a halt, we are asking householders to remember to separate and recycle all their bottles, cans, cards, wrapping paper and cardboard."

"By visiting the special designated Green Christmas recycling centres, householders can get rid of a large amount of Christmas waste that is clogging up their homes and also rest assured that it is being recycled rather than dumped in already overloaded landfill."

"This is also the perfect time to make regular recycling a new years resolution," he said.

The group says this year centres will be accepting a wider range of materials and will open for longer hours to make it as easy as possible to recycle.

A full list of all 77 locations and what items each centre will accept can be found on the group's website at