Putin may take Gazprom post - report

Russian President Vladimir Putin may become the next chairman of Russian gas export monopoly Gazprom when he steps down following…

Russian President Vladimir Putin may become the next chairman of Russian gas export monopoly Gazprom when he steps down following a presidential election in March, it was reported today.

A Russian newspaper cited two sources close to Gazprom and one source close to first deputy prime minister and Gazprom chairman Dmitry Medvedev, whom Mr Putin has designated as a preferred candidate to succeed him.

Mr Medvedev has said he would step down as the chairman of Gazprom, the world's largest gas producer and supplier of a quarter of Europe's gas, if he becomes president. He did not say who could replace him.

Mr Putin has said he could become prime minister under Mr Medvedev but has repeatedly denied plans to head a major state energy company.


Gazprom's chairman plays an important strategic role, while the firm's day-to-day operations are managed by chief executive Alexei Miller.