Public urged to support health care rally

A coalition of health unions and patient groups, who are organising a rally for a better health service, are urging the public…

A coalition of health unions and patient groups, who are organising a rally for a better health service, are urging the public to come out and support the march.

Headed by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions, the group called on the public to take to the streets of Dublin on Saturday to demonstrate their anger and frustration in the Health Service Executive (HSE).

The march will assemble on Saturday afternoon at Parnell Square, Dublin where it will be addressed by speakers and then proceed to Molesworth Street.

Des Derwin of Siptu said that he hoped trade unions, health workers and the public would join the march for a better health service and to say "enough is enough".

"We are a rich country and could afford a decent, well-funded health service," said Mr Derwin.

Janette Byrne of Patients Together said she was excited that so many groups and individuals were coming together to march.

"We must step up our efforts for a better health and A&E service. All the areas must get together: patients, hospital campaigners, unions, health professionals and the public," said Ms Byrne.

President of the Irish Nurses Organisation, Madeline Spiers said health staff are tired of having to apologise to patients for the poor health service. She said nurses wanted patients to have the confidence to go into hospital and expect a good service.

"Give us back a decent health service. The HSE is serving itself, not patients or staff, said Ms Spiers.

Speaking at the rally will be: Conor MacLiam, husband of Susie Long, Prof John Crown, consultant oncologist, Peadar MacMahon, Health Service Action group, Dr Orla Hardiman, Doctors Allicance for Better Health Care, Louise O'Reilly, Siptu, Walter Cullen, MRSA and Families. Ms Byrne and Ms Spiers will also speak at the rally.