Poots faces criticism over stance on Irish

Sinn Féin, the SDLP and the Ulster Unionists have criticised the claim by Culture Minister Edwin Poots that EU institutions sufficiently…

Sinn Féin, the SDLP and the Ulster Unionists have criticised the claim by Culture Minister Edwin Poots that EU institutions sufficiently safeguard the rights of Irish speakers.

Mr Poots has already told the Assembly he is opposed to introducing an Irish Language Act, as provided for under the terms of the St Andrews Agreement of 2006, which enabled the return of devolution last May.

He has cited £111 million costs and the poor chance of winning cross-community votes in the chamber.

However, Mr Poots was pressed on this during a meeting of the committee which scrutinises his department by Sinn Féin member Francie Brolly, who asked: "Could there be a commissioner to oversee the development of this strategy or some form of oversight group?"


David McNarry, the UUP chief whip, hoped Northern Ireland was not "subservient to Europe on this issue".