Poor state of sports facilities is highlighted

Opposition deputies have questioned the Government's plan to spend "at least £100 million" on a national stadium when basic sports…

Opposition deputies have questioned the Government's plan to spend "at least £100 million" on a national stadium when basic sports facilities in "every parish, village, town, city and county are grossly inadequate".

Mr Bernard Allen, the Fine Gael spokesman on tourism and sport, called on the Government to set up an immediate capital programme for the refurbishment and upgrading of existing public swimming pools in the State.

In a private members' motion Mr Allen said there were more than 60 local authority swimming pools in the State which were mainly built in the 1960s and 1970s. "In fact, one was built in the 1940s and it is obvious therefore that the majority of these pools are absolutely unattractive and do not meet modern-day requirements."

The Cork North Central TD said the £20 million in grant applications for the refurbishment of 14 pools currently before the Minister was a conservative figure. The amount would increase dramatically because of the rapid deterioration in the condition of many of the pools. Mr Allen believed the cost would increase to almost £50 million.


There had been a high profile campaign for a 50-metre swimming pool. "I believe that the demand is a reasonable and realistic one, but it must be considered in the context of the serious situation outlined here tonight, Mr Allen added.

Mr Denis Naughten (FG, Longford-Roscommon) said it was British policy that every child over eight should learn to swim. Such a policy was needed in Ireland, given that 68 people had drowned in the State last year, but the facilities were not there for children to learn.

The Minister of State for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Mr Chris Flood, said he accepted the principle of Mr Allen's call. Speaking for the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Dr McDaid, Mr Flood said the Government had committed £50 million from the Lottery to the provision of sports facilities at national, regional and local levels over the next three years.

In addition, more than £25 million had been allocated for the provision of services including sports facilities in the 13 Drugs Task Force areas or Dublin and Cork cities.

He said there were 66 local authority pools in the State, and since 1988 £16 million had been allocated for three new swimming pools, and for refurbishment at 25 other pools. He said, however, that there was a £3 million budget this year for the refurbishment of existing pools.