Police attacked by youths in Armagh

A group of youths attacked police as they dealt with a security alert in Craigavon, Co Armagh last night.

A group of youths attacked police as they dealt with a security alert in Craigavon, Co Armagh last night.

Police officers dealing with a suspicious device were attacked with missiles including blast bombs but there were no injuries.

Police closed the roads, army technical officers were tasked and several homes were evacuated.

The device was later declared a hoax.


A PSNI spokeswoman said: “Police are there to protect the local community and to prevent them from being harmed and would ask for the support of all of those with influence to advise the youths of the damage they are causing and the danger they are putting themselves and others in.

“Police would also ask parents to speak to their children and keep them away from the cordon points for their own safety.”

The suspicious object was found on the road between Drumbeg and Ardowen.

The area has been associated with dissident republican violence and other unrest. There has been a series of vehicle hijackings and other disorder in recent times.