Pay deals sees start of early Knock-Dublin air service

SIPTU workers at Knock airport have accepted a new pay deal which paves the way for commencement of early bird flights to Dublin…

SIPTU workers at Knock airport have accepted a new pay deal which paves the way for commencement of early bird flights to Dublin.

The new daily air service between Knock and Dublin, run by Air Arann, began last month.

But 50 staff at Knock airport had refused to cooperate with the early morning flight service to Dublin due to a dispute over shift rate premiums offered in return for working unsociable hours.

Workers today voted to accept a new package which SIPTU representative, Mr Sean Nolan, said goes a long way to addressing the problems of low pay at the airport.


The agreement allows for a 10 per cent increase in the basic pay rate, 2 per cent of which is part of the restoration value of the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness. A further 10 per cent premium will be paid to all staff rostered to operate the Dublin-Knock service to reflect the unsociable hours.

Mr Nolan said: "Management have also agreed to roster the shifts in a fair and equitable manner so they are divided evenly between staff."

New staff will receive the new basic pay rate after six months’ service in the company and all staff will be entitled to an extra day’s leave once the service commences.