Palace flag at half mast

The flag at Buckingham Palace is today flying at half-mast following the death of Princess Margaret.

The flag at Buckingham Palace is today flying at half-mast following the death of Princess Margaret.

A notice which announced the Princess's passing was attached to a board in the courtyard and drew a steady stream of tourists. The mood of visitors was sombre, with many only learning of the death when they arrived at the palace.

Mrs June Speller, of Worthing, West Sussex, said: "The last few years of her life have been very difficult but it is still very sad. It's perhaps fitting that she died so close to the anniversary of her father's death.

"I came here today out of respect for the Royals. I do fear it will cast a shadow over the Golden Jubilee celebrations."


Elizabeth Loveday was visiting the palace with members of the 3rd Manston Brownies from Crossgates, Leeds, West Yorkshire.

She said: "It's very sad for us because the Princess was the president of our Guiding Association. She was very supportive and did a lot of good work for us and was especially good with the children.

Alan Ware of Colchester, Essex said it was unfortunate the abiding memory of Princess Margaret would be of her in a wheelchair following her health problems.

"It's a shame because Margaret was a beautiful woman in her youth. The images of her in a wheelchair really do not do her justice.

Computer technician Stephen Holden of Aberdeen, had been in London for the weekend but made the decision to visit the Palace after hearing the news. He said: "She wasn't the most loved of all the Royals but I always got the impression she was a strong woman.

"Of all the Royal children, her children seem to have turned out to be the most well adjusted.

"The person I feel sorry for most today is the Queen Mother. It must be awful to have your child die before you."

Sheila Topping of Blackburn, Lancashire, added: "I'm down in London to see a show. I turned on the television this morning and saw a newsflash.

"It is very upsetting and I do think it will mar the Queen's year. "There are a lot of tourists at the palace who don't really understand who Princess Margaret was but for many people it is a sad day."