Pakistan test-fires nuclear-capable long-range missile

PAKISTAN: Pakistan has successfully tested a nuclear-capable cruise missile with a range of 700km (435 miles), the country's…

PAKISTAN:Pakistan has successfully tested a nuclear-capable cruise missile with a range of 700km (435 miles), the country's military has said in a statement.

The Hatf V11 Babur missile is a terrain-hugging, radar-avoiding missile capable of carrying a variety of warheads, including nuclear, it said yesterday.

The missile was first tested in 2005. Since then, its range has been enhanced to 700km, from 500km previously, the military said.

Pakistan's old rival, India, has cruise missiles that can be launched from a submarine.


Pakistan routinely tests various nuclear-capable missiles in its arsenal, believed to be designed mainly to match those of India.

The two countries have a history of hostile relations. Both carried out underground nuclear tests in May 1998.

They have fought three wars since 1947 but relations have improved since they began a peace process in 2004.

They have an agreement under which each country informs the other ahead of missile tests.

However Pakistan did not inform India of yesterday's test because the accord does not include providing prior information on cruise missile tests, a military official said. - (Reuters)