Orange leaders in talks over hall attacks

Orange Order leaders in Northern Ireland today reported progress in talks with the British government and police about recent…

Orange Order leaders in Northern Ireland today reported progress in talks with the British government and police about recent arson attacks on their halls.

Members of the organisation were joined at a meeting with Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward by Stormont First Minister the Rev Ian Paisley and three senior members of his Democratic Unionist Party.

Afterwards Robert Saulters, Grand Master of the Orange Order, which has been pressing for more security and a new compensation process for damaged halls, said they were satisfied with the outcome of the meetings.

"We got satisfaction this morning from the chief constable [Sir Hugh Orde] on the protection of the halls and we got satisfaction from the Secretary of State on compensation."


Following attacks on three of their halls last weekend, Orange leaders have claimed the organisation is being targeted in an orchestrated sectarian arson campaign.

Dr Paisley said the issues of security for Orange halls and compensation was a very serious matter, adding that 30 Orange halls have been attacked recently.

The attacks have been condemned by nationalist leaders.