One killed, 200 hurt as security forces attack protesters

YEMEN: SANAA – One person was killed and 200 wounded when Yemeni security forces attacked protesters in the Red Sea city of …

YEMEN:SANAA – One person was killed and 200 wounded when Yemeni security forces attacked protesters in the Red Sea city of Hudaida with live and rubber bullets, tear gas, clubs and daggers, a doctor who treated victims said.

The impoverished Arabian Peninsula state has been hit by weeks of protests against the 32-year rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Both pro- and anti-government factions increasingly appear to have resorted to violence in the struggle.

A doctor treating protesters in Hudaida said hundreds of security forces and plainclothes police had attacked a sit-in. “We received around 200 wounded, 10 were hit by gunfire and 40 suffered stab wounds. One died from his gunshot wounds after reaching the hospital,” he said.

Demonstrators contacted by Reuters said they were calling on private hospitals to send ambulances, and asked Yemenis to donate blood for the wounded. The city’s main hospital had been filled to capacity, they said.


Shouting over the clamour from protesters who regrouped after the attack, one demonstrator told Reuters by phone that security forces had surrounded the sit-in but later retreated. “The thugs have left, the wounded are getting treatment and our sit-in continues,” Abdulhafid al-Nihari said.

Two protesters told Reuters some of the wounded demonstrators had been chased down by security forces and beaten in the hospital, but this could not be verified.

The US, which has long seen Mr Saleh as a bulwark against an aggressive al-Qaeda wing based in Yemen, has condemned the bloodshed and backed the right to peaceful protest. It says only dialogue can end the crisis.

Protesters, frustrated by rampant corruption and soaring unemployment, have been increasingly strident in their demand that Mr Saleh step down. Some 40 per cent of Yemen’s 23 million people live on $2 a day or less and a third face chronic hunger.

As widespread protests continue despite rising violence and Mr Saleh’s promises of reform, Yemen delayed a meeting with a group of western and Gulf Arab donors known as Friends of Yemen in Riyadh later this month, state news agency Saba said.

“Yemen proposed delaying the group’s coming meeting to give a chance for more preparation and co-ordination and will announce a new date soon,” Saba said.

In further violence yesterday, a leading activist in Taiz said plainclothes police targeted and beat women at a rally in the city, 200km (125 miles) south of Sanaa, where tens of thousands have camped out for weeks. At least 11 there were wounded, Bushra al-Maqtari said. – (Reuters)