'Occupy' protest on London roof

Dozens of protesters from Occupy London stormed an office in London’s West End today.

Dozens of protesters from Occupy London stormed an office in London’s West End today.

The group of about 60 - linked to the anti-capitalist protesters camped out in the churchyard of St Paul’s Cathedral - said they were “targeting” Mick Davis, the chief executive of mining company Xstrata.

The demonstrators entered Panton House, in Panton Street - which houses offices of Xstrata. Some of them gained access to the roof, where officers moved in to clear them.

Demonstrators hung protest banners on the roof before police regained control of the building.


An Occupy London spokesman said they were aiming the demonstration at Mr Davis because he was the highest paid chief executive of all the FTSE 100 companies in the last year.

“When his companies had losses and the economy collapsed, he received £18,426,105 [€21,508,241] for his efforts,” the spokesman said.

He said that around 20 protesters were being held inside by riot police and that a “few hundred” were being kettled in the street outside - a number of them were holding UK Uncut placards.

Police sealed off the area around Panton Street and marched through the 200-300 protesters, to shouts of “Shame on you”.

Karen Lincoln, supporter of Occupy London, said: “Mick Davis is a prime example of the greedy 1 per cent lining their own pockets while denying workers pensions.

“In this time when the Government enforces austerity on the 99 per cent, these executives are profiting. The rest of us are having our pensions cuts, health service torn apart and youth centres shut down.

“We refuse to stand by and let this happen. We call on others to join us in the fight for a more just society. Today we have taken this to one of the offices of the 1 per cent.”

The raid took place on the same day as thousands of public sector workers marched through London as part of a national day of protest against government plans to change their pensions.

Occupy London grabbed the headlines last month when they pitched about 200 tents outside St Paul's Cathedral after they were thwarted in an attempt to stage a protest outside their initial target, the London Stock Exchange.

Their protest is part of a global movement for social and economic change.
