North an example to world - US adviser

Conflict zones around the world should look to Northern Ireland as an example of how peace can be achieved, an adviser to President…

Conflict zones around the world should look to Northern Ireland as an example of how peace can be achieved, an adviser to President George Bush has claimed.

Ms Paula Dobriansky observed last night: "At a time when there is so much intolerance in the world, Northern Ireland stands out as an example that peace is achievable in places formerly torn by seemingly intractable conflict.

Ms Dobriansky was speaking at a reception for the Rev Ian Paisley and Mr Martin McGuinness, who were in Washington as part of a week-long visit to the United States.

"We recognise that new ground is being broken, that people from all communities are being asked to accept tremendous change and to let go of previous ways of thinking, to break through barriers that they have perhaps grown up with all their lives.


"At the end of the day it is the people of Northern Ireland and you its leaders who will ensure Northern Ireland prospers and progresses," she said.