NI civil servants' bonuses scrapped

Senior civil servants in Northern Ireland will not be paid any bonuses this year, Stormont’s finance minister announced today…

Senior civil servants in Northern Ireland will not be paid any bonuses this year, Stormont’s finance minister announced today.

The DUP's Sammy Wilson said his decision, which marks a break in practice with the rest of the United Kingdom, will save the taxpayer £1.1 million.

The level of performance-related bonuses paid to Stormont mandarins has been a matter of controversy in the region of late after it was revealed that the £15 million pocketed by the 220 highest ranking officials last year included £1.2 million in bonuses.

“I know that there has been a lot of public debate and controversy about senior civil service pay generally, and bonuses in particular,” said Mr Wilson.


“I have given this matter very careful consideration and, taking account of all the relevant factors, have decided on what I believe to be a very fair package, but one which does not include any bonus payments.”

While there will be no bonuses, the pay award to top civil servants includes a 3.5 per cent increase in basic salaries.

However, Mr Wilson has decided to freeze senior civil service pay bands at their 2008 levels, with no cost of living increase at the bottom or top ends.

“In light of the significant pressures on public finances and the very real difficulties facing the wider economy, I believe it would not be appropriate to include bonus payments in this year’s pay award to senior civil servants,” Mr Wilson said.

“This decision affects only senior civil servants but I intend raising with my Executive colleagues at an early opportunity the subject of