NI cancer survival rates rising - report

Cancer survival rates have risen in Northern Ireland, a report revealed today.

Cancer survival rates have risen in Northern Ireland, a report revealed today.

More and more men and women are living for at least five years after being diagnosed with all forms of the disease, acccording to a study by the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry.

It found male mortality rates dropped by 1.3 per cent between 1993 and 2004, while the level of female deaths went down by 0.8 per cent during the same period.

The report showed relative survival rates were better among both men and women diagnosed from 1997-2000, compared with 1993-96. It also found a significant and continuous improvement in both one and five-year survival in all cancers, with estimates suggesting the trend is set to continue.


The study is set to be included in a Europe-wide comparison of information between 83 cancer registries in 22 countries.