New US civil administrator arrives in Iraq

The new US civilian administrator for Iraq arrived today to try and salvage US reconstruction efforts that have failed to restore…

The new US civilian administrator for Iraq arrived today to try and salvage US reconstruction efforts that have failed to restore law and order.

Mr Paul Bremer, a career diplomat and counter-terrorism expert, landed in the southern port of Basra as part of the overhaul of the US team, which had been heavily criticised by Iraqis for its slow pace and low profile.

He task is to bring back basic services, such as electricity and running water, and to make the streets safe from crime.

Mr Bremer praised the man he is replacing in the top post, retired general Mr Jay Garner, who denied as "not true" a Washington Postreport that he would soon be leaving Iraq.


Ms Barbara Bodine, formerly charged with running Baghdad and central Iraq, will return to Washington after less than three weeks' work. No explanation was given for her departure.