Neary inquiry invites first submissions

The independent inquiry into the activities of the former obstetrician Dr Michael Neary at the Lourdes hospital in Drogheda has…

The independent inquiry into the activities of the former obstetrician Dr Michael Neary at the Lourdes hospital in Drogheda has formally invited submissions from members of the public on matters covered by its terms of reference.

The inquiry is being chaired by Judge Maureen Harding Clark of the International Criminal Court. After extensive preliminary investigations, the judge is now asking people to come forward to make statements and to be available for interview.

Dr Neary was found guilty of professional misconduct in relation to 10 former patients after an investigation by the Medical Council and was struck off the medical register last year. The Minister for Health Mr Martin established the independent inquiry after the Medical Council's Fitness to Practise Committee issued its report.

At least 65 women claim Dr Neary performed unnecessary Caesarean hysterectomies on them up to 1998. Their wombs were removed following childbirth in a procedure usually used only in an emergency where the woman's life is at risk.


Dr Neary rejects the allegations and is expected to contest these cases in the High Court.

The inquiry's legal team has prepared guidlines for interviews which it said were designed to emphasise the non-adversarial nature of the inquiry and to put witnesses at their ease.

The inquiry can be contacted at 31-35 Bow Street, Dublin 7. Telephone: 01-8146410, or by e-mail at The inquiry's website is at