Motorbike courier loses case for damages over fire engine collision

A motorbike courier who sued Dublin City Council after he was involved in a collision with a fire engine has lost his High Court…

A motorbike courier who sued Dublin City Council after he was involved in a collision with a fire engine has lost his High Court action seeking damages.

Adrian Abrudan sustained a serious injury to his left leg and required surgery after the crash at the junction of Avondale Road and Monk Place, Dublin, on January 19th, 2009. Mr Abrudan (44), Phibsboro Road, sued Dublin City Council as operator of the fire truck.

He alleged the truck, which was answering an emergency call, drove around the bend at excessive speed and crossed over to the wrong side of the road, forcing him to brake hard and lose control of his motorbike.

In his judgment yesterday, Mr Justice Iarfhlaith O'Neill dismissed the claim and said he was satisfied the incident was caused by Mr Abrudan, not the fire engine. Mr Justice O'Neill said he was satisfied Mr Abrudan was too far out on the road and travelling too fast. Mr Abrudan was the "author of his own misfortune", which was "a great pity" as he had suffered serious injuries, he said.