Most train services back to normal

Train services are set to be disrupted again today due to a drivers’ dispute at at Iarnród Éireann.

Train services are set to be disrupted again today due to a drivers’ dispute at at Iarnród Éireann.

Sixteen train services on commuter and Intercity routes were cancelled yesterday. Iarnród Éireann, however, says it expects much fewer services to be affected today.

All train services were expected to operate as normal today at Connolly Station. The Heuston Station service disruptions are limited to the two services which have been hit daily since February 11th - the 06.30am from Portlaoise to Heuston and the 5.35pm Heuston to Carlow service.

The dispute centres on issues such as productivity, pay/pensions and flexibility in relation to rest days and overtime.

Iarnród Éireann is hoping all historical workplace issues between all sides can still be addressed by April 28th, a deadline set by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC).

A spokesman said that the company will be forced to take "alternative actions", if drivers did not restore full services, but did not spell out what kind of action was in mind.