Model's friends admit drugs charges

Two friends of the late model Katy French have pleaded guilty to drug offences on the weekend the socialite collapsed at their…

Two friends of the late model Katy French have pleaded guilty to drug offences on the weekend the socialite collapsed at their home almost five years ago.

Former couple Kieron Ducie and Ann Corcoran will be sentenced next year at Trim Circuit Court after admitting the drugs charge, which dated back to December 2007.

Ms French (24) died in hospital four days after she slipped into a coma at their home in Kilmessan, Co Meath.

A post-mortem examination revealed she suffered brain damage and traces of cocaine were found in her system.


The pair admitted that between 6pm on Saturday December 1st 2007 and 10am the following day they, at an unknown location, they procured Russell Memery to possess cocaine for the purpose of sale or supply.

Judge Leonie Reynolds was told a second charge would not be pursued against Mr Ducie and Ms Corcoran — that they intentionally or recklessly engaged in conduct related to the supply of cocaine to Ms French and failed to get medical assistance in a timely fashion, which created a substantial risk of death or serious harm to another.

Mr Ducie (43) of Lambertstown Manor, Kilmessan, Co Meath, and Ms Corcoran (31) of Tolka Road, Clonliffe, north Dublin, both spoke only to say “guilty” during the short hearing.