Men in court over explosives

Two Mayo men have been charged with membership of the IRA and possession of explosives.

Two Mayo men have been charged with membership of the IRA and possession of explosives.

Colin Mannion (32) of Burriscarra, Clogher, Castlebar and Brian Mannion (29) of Burriscarra, Clogher are accused of being in possession of explosive material on Saturday, June 9th at a house in Clogher.

Both men appeared before a sitting of the Special Criminal Court tonight.

The two accused were arrested yesterday at approximately 2pm at the Mall in Castlebar.


The two men were arrested following a raid which found explosive material and detonation components. An Army team attended the scene and the house was sealed off for purposes of a technical and forensic examination.

The raid was part of an investigation into dissident republican activity in the west of Ireland.

Both men were remanded in custody until Friday when they will appear before the Special Criminal Court at 11am.