Men attempt to rob woman (78) in Belfast home

Three intruders held down and tried to rob a 78-year-old woman in her south Belfast home early this morning.

Three intruders held down and tried to rob a 78-year-old woman in her south Belfast home early this morning.

The men broke into the woman's house on Baroda Street in the Anadale area at 12.30 a.m.

The woman woke up to find the three in her bedroom, a police spokesman said. One held the woman down while the other two ransacked her bedroom and demanded money.

"The woman continued to struggle with the intruders while shouting at them to leave. Eventually they made off empty-handed," the spokesman added. Police are appealing for information.


Sinn Fein's Mr Alex Maskey said it was an "outrageous assault".

"I would wish to add my voice to those expressing support for the lady in question and complete contempt for those responsible for this attack and similar incidents over the past while," he said.

Mr Carmel Hanna of the SDLP said it was "disgraceful and must be condemned with anyone with an ounce of compassion."