McDowell asked to halt woman's deportation

An anti-racism group has made a plea to the Minister for Justice to stop the deportation of a Nigerian woman who claims she faces…

An anti-racism group has made a plea to the Minister for Justice to stop the deportation of a Nigerian woman who claims she faces death by stoning if she returns home.

In the name of all humanity, she must not be sent back
Ms Rosanna Flynn, Residents Against Racism

Residents Against Racism (RAR) delivered a petition with over 1,000 signatures to Mr McDowell outside the Progressive Democrats office on South Frederick Street this afternoon, asking him to intervene before Ms Kate Bamidele's scheduled departure this Thursday.

RAR spokeswoman Ms Rosanna Flynn called the decision to deny humanitarian leave to remain in Ireland was a "terrible mistake."

"In the name of all humanity, she must not be sent back," Ms Flynn said. "This is a one-off case.  It was a mistake.  The Minister for Justice has the power to overturn the decision."


Ms Banidele says she fled Nigeria in 2002 after being arrested in Guacsu city in the northern state of Zamfara. She was jailed for having children outside marriage and was due to be stoned before she escaped.

She says she had separated from her partner and was living with her father when she was arrested under the strict interpretation of Sharia law operated by the ruling Muslim administration of the state.

"If I have to go back there they will kill me. They will find me," she said.

RAR believe Ms Banidele is due to be part of a "mass deportation" planned by the gardaí for this Thursday. A Garda National Immigration Bureau spokesman denied this.