Man jailed over 'depraved' incident

A man who was part of a gang that pushed their way into the home of a couple and demanded money amid threats and violence has…

A man who was part of a gang that pushed their way into the home of a couple and demanded money amid threats and violence has been given an 18-year sentence.

Michael Delaney (36), of Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to aggravated burglary with a hammer and the false imprisonment of James and Sally Mountaine at their Templeogue home on February 3rd, 2010.

Delaney has 14 previous convictions.

Judge Tony Hunt said the couple had suffered a terrifying experience "meted out by an organised group of depraved barbarians".

Mr Mountaine outlined in his victim impact report that he would "never forget the horror of that morning." He said he was attacked, thrown to the floor and threatened with being in a wheelchair.

"I thought we would never get out of it alive," he said.

Mrs Mountaine said in her impact statement that her family home had been violated. She said she had been bound, threatened with being set on fire and had hair pulled out. She said she felt lucky to be alive.

The incident came to an end when the house doorbell rang and the men fled.

Gardai who had been alerted by a concerned friend of the couple arrived and Delaney was arrested nearby by Gda Emma Jane Redmond.

Judge Hunt noted that if it were not for the horror of this offence it would be easy to have sympathy for the medical and personal circumstances of Delaney but he said that was drowned out by the nature of his activity.

Judge Hunt imposed an 18 year sentence and suspended the final six years of the sentence on strict conditions.

Mr Remy Farrell BL, defending, said Delaney had apologised for the offence during an interview. He handed in a medical report which he said outlined Delaney's "catalogue of diseases and difficulties."

Mr Farrell said Delaney had been a chronic alcohol abuser drinking up to 20 cans a day and had a serious drug problem but was currently clean.

He said Delaney's one point of pride was his son who has had some success playing football and had never come to Garda attention. He asked the court to take into account Delaney's plea of guilty.