Man cleared of Neil Lennon assault

A football fan has been cleared of assaulting Celtic manager Neil Lennon during a match last season after a jury found the charge…

A football fan has been cleared of assaulting Celtic manager Neil Lennon during a match last season after a jury found the charge not proven.

John Wilson (26) was accused of a sectarian attack on the football boss as his side played Hearts in a crucial Scottish Premier League game at Tynecastle stadium in Edinburgh.

A jury at Edinburgh Sheriff Court said the charge against Wilson, from the city, was not proven.

However, Wilson, a Hearts fan, was convicted of a breach of the peace on May 11 last year.

The court previously heard claims, denied by Wilson, that he had called Mr Lennon a "fenian b******" at the SPL clash.

However, Wilson was cleared of making a sectarian remark during the incident after jurors deleted the allegation from the breach of the peace charge.

The jury of eight men and seven women took two-and-a-half hours to return their verdicts after a three-day trial.

The decision came despite Wilson telling the court today that he had lunged at Mr Lennon and struck him on the head during the incident.