Man charged in Nelson murder inquiry

Police hunting the killers of human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson have charged a man with firearm offences.

Police hunting the killers of human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson have charged a man with firearm offences.

The 60-year-old man was arrested last Thursday in a pre-planned swoop by officers near Portadown in Co Armagh, said a spokeswoman for Norfolk Police, the British force leading the investigation into the 1999 killing.

Mrs Nelson, a high-profile Catholic human rights lawyer, died in a car bomb attack outside her home. Nobody has yet been charged with her murder.

The man has been charged with possession of a firearm in suspicious circumstances and possession of ammunition, the police spokeswoman said.


He appeared before Craigavon magistrates on Saturday and was remanded in custody. He is due to appear in court again tomorrow.

A 29-year-old man, who was arrested at the same time, has been released without charge, the police spokeswoman said.

Earlier today, a PSNI spokesman said they had arrested a 41-year-old in Portadown for serious terrorist offences. He is still being questioned.

The man was once a close associate of Billy "King Rat" Wright, the leader of the Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF) who was shot dead inside the Maze Prison at Christmas l997.