Mahon adjourns after Ahern evidence

The Mahon tribunal has adjourned until the new year after Taoiseach Bertie Ahern finished his second consecutive day of evidence…

The Mahon tribunal has adjourned until the new year after Taoiseach Bertie Ahern finished his second consecutive day of evidence today.

Tribunal lawyers have not yet concluded their examination of Mr Ahern and he is expected to return to the witness box at a date yet to be set.

He spent more than four and a half hours answering questions about the so-called 'dig out' of £22,500 received from a group of friends in December 1993.

Mr Ahern left Dublin Castle at about 4pm to similar scenes that greeted him following his appearances in September.


A large crowd had gathered in the courtyard outside the hearing room and Mr Ahern stepped out to a chorus of loud booing, followed by some clapping and cheering from supporters.

A number of people rushed forward to shake his hand. And although they were largely held at bay by crush barriers and a couple of uniformed gardaí, one or two managed to shake Mr Ahern's hand and were greeted with a big smile.

Other people used their mobile phones to take photographs and video footage as Mr Ahern walked the short few steps to his official car.

One well-dressed woman in her 40s repeatedly shouted through her cupped hands: "Resign Taoiseach, resign. Resign!" She was challenged by an older man, who attempted to stay her shouting by tapping her on the arm and stating: "You are on your own. You're the only one. You're the only one."

A number of protesters carrying placards with religious messages were again present awaiting the Taoiseach's exit.