Low turnout for Drumcree parade by Orange women

About 200 people marched in a Drumcree protest on Saturday

About 200 people marched in a Drumcree protest on Saturday. The parade to the Co Armagh church, organised by the Women's Response to Drumcree, was expected to attract considerable support. On some sections of the route, however, protesters were outnumbered by police.

Despite the low turnout, a spokeswoman for the group said she was satisfied.

Another woman marcher was less enthusiastic, saying: "I won't be back. How can they expect people from other areas to attend when the men of Portadown Orange District don't bother to attend their own protest?"

Saturday's parade passed close to the potential flash-points of Craigwell Avenue and Garvaghy Road. Here the RUC, backed up by units of the Parachute Regiment, were deployed in strength.


However, the nationalist residents of the area seemed oblivious to the march, with only a scattering of onlookers watching from behind the security force lines.