Local authority talks promised

The Minister for the Environment and Local Government, Mr Dempsey, has ag reed to talks with the leaders of all the local authority…

The Minister for the Environment and Local Government, Mr Dempsey, has ag reed to talks with the leaders of all the local authority organisations so that any changes which are necessary in the new Local Government Bill can be introduced while the Bill is before the Dail and Seanad.

The Minister gave the assurance following the conclusion of the weekend Local Authority Members Association conference in Kilkenny. He said he would hear proposals from the association as well as from the general council of county councils and other municipal bodies which may be concerned about the Bill, due to be published early next week.

Mr Dempsey said the Bill would have more than 240 sections and would modernise the legal code for local government. It would end the dual mandate for councillors, provide for direct elections of chairpersons and mayors, and contain provisions for the payment of a salary to councillors - expected to be in the region of £8,000 per annum in line with a submission by LAMA.