Lecturer harassed woman

A college lecturer made his next-door neighbour's life a misery for nearly 10 years and ruined her B&B business by continually…

A college lecturer made his next-door neighbour's life a misery for nearly 10 years and ruined her B&B business by continually harassing her.

Robert Loughnane (52), Woodhaven, Merlin Park, Dublin Road, Galway, pleaded guilty to harassing Julie Manton between August 1st, 2006, and March 6th, 2007, at Woodhaven when he appeared before Galway District Court.

Judge Mary Fahy said Ms Manton had been a a martyr to put up with such abuse for so many years and she said the accused had acted out of "pure badness" towards his neighbour.

Defence solicitor Justin Sadlier said his client had bought a house in the 22-house estate which had been designed as a residential development but now 16 or 17 of the houses had been turned into B&Bs, which had created a great deal of pressure on parking.


Judge Fahy said this was no excuse. She said Loughnane was an educated person, lecturing at third level and he knew there were proper ways of dealing with this issue.

Mr Sadlier said his client worked long hours and he often came home in the evening to find his parking space taken and guests causing noise. Judge Fahy said she would adjourn the case if Loughnane agreed to pay €7,500 in compensation to Ms Manton. Otherwise she would record a criminal conviction against him.

Mr Sadlier said his client would pay the money.

Judge Fahy then adjourned the matter to February 13th for payment of €7,500 to Ms Manton. Garda David O'Connor said said there were 10 incidents where a lawnmower had been used to cause annoyance. Loughnane had also used foul language towards Ms Manton.

Then, on September 4th last year, a guest staying at Ms Manton's was subjected to racist language as he tried to park his car.

Ms Manton said she used to keep students but Loughnane would cause noise in the evenings and during the night by banging bin lids together so they could not study or sleep.