Lawlor stake in Carrickmines land denied

Solicitor Mr John Caldwell has said he would fight "tooth and nail" any claim by Mr Liam Lawlor for part-ownership of the Carrickmines…

Solicitor Mr John Caldwell has said he would fight "tooth and nail" any claim by Mr Liam Lawlor for part-ownership of the Carrickmines land currently under investigation by the tribunal.

The former Fianna Fáil TD denies any involvement in the land but the tribunal is investigating the possibility that he could have a stake in the property, along with Mr Caldwell and businessman Mr Jim Kennedy.

The owners of the land are due a €13 million compensation payment for 20 acres compulsorily acquired for the South-Eastern motorway and the remaining 80 acres are worth a multiple of this sum.

Today, Mr Caldwell said there was no basis for believing that Mr Lawlor had any claim. If the politician did make one, it would be a "fictitious" claim and he would not settle it.


In the 16 years he had dealt with the Carrickmines land, only he and Mr Kennedy were involved in its ownership. Mr Lawlor was not and never had been the beneficial owner.

The witness told his counsel, Mr Ian Finlay SC, that if Mr Lawlor felt he had a claim, he would have taken action, as he had in other situations.

He also rejected the suggestion that while Mr Lawlor had not yet made a claim, he might still do so in the future.