Latinos go Irish for March 17th

Argentina: An estimated 20,000 people gathered in stifling downtown Buenos Aires last night to celebrate the feast day of Ireland…

Argentina:An estimated 20,000 people gathered in stifling downtown Buenos Aires last night to celebrate the feast day of Ireland's patron saint.

The massive outdoor party took place in Reconquista where a cluster of Irish bars are located.

The city's famous carnival spirit became Irish for the night as revellers danced to traditional music with colourful faces and themed costumes.

However, in a change from last year, many public houses operated on a ticket-only basis.


This cautious measure was introduced in the aftermath of the República Cromagnon nightclub tragedy on December 30th last, when 191 young people perished and more than 600 were injured when a fire broke out in the building.

The March 17th celebrations are the first significant events to go ahead since the Cromagnon tragedy, and local authorities explained it as a tribute to the "strength and influence" of the Irish community in the South American country.

Argentina is home to the largest Irish community in the non-English-speaking world and constitutes the sixth-largest Irish population worldwide, following the United States, Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand.

Representing the Government for the celebrations in Buenos Aires is the Minister for Justice Michael McDowell. His host, Kenneth Thompson, the Irish Ambassador to Argentina, spoke yesterday of the Hiberno-Americano links in a speech entitled Ireland and Argentina: Past, Present and Future Relations.

He proposed Ireland as a "role model" for Argentina, saying that just as Ireland had experienced economic improvement after "difficult years", so Argentina was capable of "reincarnation" after its devastating economic crash of 2001 which is only now beginning to slowly turn around.