Labour calls for civilian Garda chief

Labour leader Pat Rabbitte has suggested that the next Garda commissioner might need to be a civilian, writes Michael O'Regan…

Labour leader Pat Rabbitte has suggested that the next Garda commissioner might need to be a civilian, writes Michael O'Regan, Parliamentary Reporter

He said that while his party remained committed to the establishment of an independent Garda authority, more radical thinking might be required.

"Again and again, we come back to the question of the working culture within the Garda. Again and again, you come back to the issue of accountability and an ingrained cultural resistance to change.

"The immediate priority for the Garda is for the leadership necessary to bring about a real and substantial change. It may be that such is the requirement for a cultural shift within the Garda, only someone with a broader experience and a knowledge of, and track record in, major organisational change can bring about the change we need.


"It may be that a civilian commissioner could make an important contribution to the goal of delivering substantial reform."

Mr Rabbitte was speaking at a Labour Party selection convention in Tralee, Co Kerry, which chose Cllr Terry O'Brien as its candidate to contest Kerry North at the next general election.

Mr O'Brien, a member of Tralee town council and Kerry County Council, will be attempting to win back the seat lost by former Labour leader and tánaiste Dick Spring in 2002.

Referring to the selection of the next commissioner, Mr Rabbitte said: "Why should the job not be advertised, outside and inside the force, nationally and internationally? Why should the interviews not be held, a shortlist selected, and a final recommendation made in the ordinary way by an expert and impartial selection committee?"