Khmer Rouge torture chief seeks bail

Duch, the chief Khmer Rouge interrogator and the only person charged with atrocities by a joint Cambodian-United Nationstribunal…

Duch, the chief Khmer Rouge interrogator and the only person charged with atrocities by a joint Cambodian-United Nationstribunal so far, is seeking his release on bail, a court spokesman said today.

Duch, who is also known as Kang Kek Ieu, was the head of Pol Pot's infamous S-21 interrogation centre in Phnom Penh. He has been in the court's custody since he was charged last month with crimes against humanity.

Before that, the former schoolteacher and born-again Christian had been in a military prison since his arrest in 1999.

Trial spokesman Reach Sambath said the Cambodian and international judges serving jointly on the long-awaited tribunal would hold a hearing soon to decide whether to grant his request.


Despite progress in bringing charges against Duch, seen as a key witness, the million trial continues to be plagued by allegations of interference by the Cambodian government, packed with former Khmer Rouge cadres.

An estimated 1.7 million people were executed or died of starvation, disease or forced labour under the Khmer Rouge's 1975-79 reign of terror.

Besides Duch, the court is looking at five other suspects.

It has not named them, although scholars say they are likely to be "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea, former Foreign Minister Ieng Sary, former head of state Khieu Samphan, and Meas Muth, son-in-law of military chief Ta Mok, who died last year.

Pol Pot died in 1998 near the Thai border.