Jose shows the Mexican way

Despite this being the first visit by José Luis Cuevas to Dublin, his reputation has preceded him. Literally

Despite this being the first visit by José Luis Cuevas to Dublin, his reputation has preceded him. Literally. "He just found out that there was an exhibition in 1969 of some of his works here from the Sweeney collection from New York," translated the Mexican Ambassador Agustín Basave.

"Pat Murphy just told him!" A small collection of self-portraits of the esteemed Mexican artist are being exhibited in the Oscar Wilde House at the American College, Dublin.

"José Luis Cuevas is a very important artist of his time," Murphy said "with a number of works in the Museum of Modern Art in New York". Murphy is a member of MOMA's international council.

Earlier, the artist had shown them a recent painting, a number of images of his late wife that saddened the painter as he explained them. "So I didn't ask him any more," finished Murphy.


Krista Kilvet, the chargé d'affaires of Estonia, remarked that Cuevas's works were "very interesting, because the style is very consistent" despite spanning more than 50 years of his career. Dr Donald Ross, president of the American College, Dublin, was happy to host another Embassy event. "Our whole purpose of having the Oscar Wilde House restored was to allow it to be used as a venue. It's just a chance to give back to the city." Ambassador Basave explained Cuevas's artistic departure from the earlier muralist tradition of Mexican art. "At that time, it was a heresy to break with tradition. He and a group of other artists were vilified by critics, but afterwards they became the leading current in Mexico." Cuevas approves, "No, esta muy bien, lo que has dijas". Which translates, very loosely, as "Mr Ambassador, with this explanation you are truly spoiling us."

The José Luis Cuevas exhibition runs until October 16th.