Jackson doctor found guilty of singer's manslaughter

MICHAEL JACKSON’S personal doctor has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s death following a six-week…

MICHAEL JACKSON’S personal doctor has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s death following a six-week trial.

Dr Conrad Murray (58) was led away in handcuffs after the Los Angeles jury yesterday reached a unanimous verdict. The doctor, who could face up to four years in prison, will be sentenced on November 29th. The judge ordered Murray to be held in custody until then.

Dozens of fans outside the courtroom erupted in cheers and some burst into tears.

Murray had pleaded not guilty to giving Jackson a fatal dose of the powerful anaesthetic propofol – normally used in surgery – that was ruled the main cause of his death on June 25th, 2009. But prosecutors argued Murray was grossly negligent in administering the propofol to help Jackson sleep.


Murray did not testify at the Los Angeles trial and looked impassive as the guilty verdict was pronounced to a small cry from his side of the packed courtroom.

Jackson’s mother Katherine and sister Rebbie cried as the guilty verdict was read. His siblings La Toya, Jermaine and Randy, and his father Joe, were also present.

Jackson was found lifeless at his Los Angeles mansion, age 50, about three weeks before he was scheduled to begin a series of concerts in London aimed at returning the pop star to the limelight. Murray admitted giving Jackson a small dose of propofol to help him sleep.

But his lawyers argued at the trial that the singer was dependent on the drug and that Jackson likely gave himself an extra, fatal dose of the powerful anaesthetic, as well as swallowing a handful of sedatives, without Murray’s knowledge.

Asked by reporters if she was pleased with verdict, Katherine Jackson said simply “I am”. “Justice was served. Michael is with us,” said brother Jermaine. – (Reuters)