Israel to release 400 Palestinians

ISRAEL: In what appears to be an attempt to strengthen Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas ahead of legislative elections next …

ISRAEL: In what appears to be an attempt to strengthen Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas ahead of legislative elections next month in Gaza and the West Bank, Israel will today release 400 Palestinian prisoners from its jails.

Israeli and Palestinian officials, meanwhile, confirmed yesterday that prime minister Ariel Sharon and Mr Abbas will meet on June 21st, in what will be their first meeting since February 8th when they agreed to a ceasefire at a summit in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Palestinian officials yesterday dismissed the prisoner release as a PR stunt and accused Israel of failing to consult them on who will be freed. There are around 8,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

The majority of prisoners to be freed are members of Mr Abbas's ruling Fatah party, but there will also be some members of the Islamic movements among them. None of the prisoners to be released were convicted for involvement in attacks that killed or wounded Israelis.