Israel recalls diplomat over leaked memo

JERUSALEM – Israel has summoned one of its diplomats from the United States after he circulated a memorandum accusing prime minister…

JERUSALEM – Israel has summoned one of its diplomats from the United States after he circulated a memorandum accusing prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s government of doing “strategic damage” to ties with Washington.

Israel’s deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon said a disciplinary measure was being taken with the Israeli consul in Boston, Nadav Tamir, after publication last week of his “very regrettable” memorandum. Mr Tamir’s criticism appeared in a brief intended for internal circulation and was leaked to Israel’s television, which quoted him as saying differences with Washington over Jewish settlements had hurt relations.

Mr Netanyahu, who has said he would not build additional settlements but wants to continue construction in existing enclaves to accommodate what he calls natural growth, said yesterday he would not remove any Israeli settlements before there was a peace deal.

Remarking on the fourth anniversary since a Gaza pullout, when Israel removed some 9,000 Jewish settlers and soldiers from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank, Mr Netanyahu told cabinet ministers “we will not repeat this mistake”.


Mr Netanyahu said Israel’s withdrawal from coastal Gaza had not brought about peace and led ultimately to Iranian-backed Hamas Islamists who reject Israel’s existence, to seize control. – (Reuters)