Irishman to be sentenced for US robbery

An Irish man will be sentenced today for an armed robbery at a US bank in 2006.

An Irish man will be sentenced today for an armed robbery at a US bank in 2006.

Niall Clarke, a graduate of Trinity College from Kilrush, Co Clare, is facing at least 10 years in prison for the armed robbery of the Bank of Central America branch in Bangor, Maine, on October 4th, 2006.

Mr Clarke (27), who arrived in the United States in January, was arrested by police minutes after the robbery.

Mr Clarke's parents claim he was mentally ill when he carried out the robbery, which they say is out of character for their son.


He has been on remand in the Cumberland County Jail since he pleaded guilty to the robbery.

Character witnesses are due to give evidence for Mr Clarke at today's hearing.