Irish Industry

The announcement that all future development in this country will be based on the utilisation of peat was made by Mr. S

The announcement that all future development in this country will be based on the utilisation of peat was made by Mr. S. Lemass (Minister for Industry and Commerce), at the annual dinner of Cumann na nInnealtoiri (the Engineers' Association), in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, on Saturday night.

In the course of a severely critical speech, in which he questioned the initiative of Irish engineers, suggested the existence among them of an inferiority complex and deplored the absence of inventive genius, the Minister notified all those associated with the national electricity undertaking, in any capacity, that they would not be wanted there unless they had an enthusiasm for peat, and the ability to solve the problems associated with its utilisation.

The Irish Times,

December 5th, 1938.