Irish-Americans call for end to loyalist violence

The British Government is not doing enough to stop loyalist violence, according to an Irish American lobbying organisation.

The British Government is not doing enough to stop loyalist violence, according to an Irish American lobbying organisation.

The Irish American Unity Conference (IAUC) criticised "indifference" to continuing feuds between loyalists, as well as sectarian attacks against nationalists.

It said that the situation is damaging the peace process and giving "comfort to opponents of the Good Friday Agreement".

Calling for loyalist decomissioning, the IAUC president, retired Judge Andrew Somers, said that the British Government had neglected its obligations.


"The British government, which has demonstrably conspired with loyalist gangs in the past, not least in supervising the transfer of arms, should use its considerable influence and legal powers to halt these actions immediately," he said.

Ulster loyalists yesterday delivered more than 200,000 newspapers as part of a new campaign urging resistance against a supposed slide towards a united Ireland.

Organisers pledged to deliver papers right across Northern Ireland free of charge as part of what they have labelled the Love Ulster Campaign. The newspaper was put together by the Shankill Mirror, a community organisation based in a west Belfast protestant stronghold.