Iran releases detained Irish sailor

Iran has released five sailors, one of whom is Irish, who had been detained in the Gulf after their yacht apparently strayed …

Iran has released five sailors, one of whom is Irish, who had been detained in the Gulf after their yacht apparently strayed into Iranian waters.

David Bloomer, originally from Malahide, Co Dublin, was on the 20 metre Kingdom of Bahrain yacht when it was intercepted by the Iranian navy while en route from Bahrain to Dubai.

Mr Bloomer, a Bahrain-based radio presenter in his early 60s who holds dual British-Irish citizenship, was travelling on a British passport. The Department of Foreign Affairs said it has been in contact with Mr Bloomer’s family in Ireland to provide consular assistance.

The incident has prompted fears of increased tensions between Iran and western powers, including Britain, that have been insisting Iran suspend its controversial nuclear programme.


British foreign secretary David Miliband held talks with Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki yesterday and called for formal consular access to the men and their speedy release.

The other crew members are British and were detained along with Mr Bloomer on November 25th.

Additional reporting: Reuters