Invasion threat if Gaza fire continues

Israel's vice premier warned today that Israel would respond harshly if Palestinian militants continue to fire rockets from Gaza…

Israel's vice premier warned today that Israel would respond harshly if Palestinian militants continue to fire rockets from Gaza toward Israel, mentioning the possibility of an invasion by ground troops.

Yesterday a rocket exploded among soldiers on the Israeli side of the Gaza border, slightly wounding five.

Several rockets have landed near sensitive infrastructure installations outside the city of Ashkelon.

"Certainly if the rocket fire on Ashkelon does not stop, there will be a very fierce response, and no option can be ruled out, including a ground operation," said Vice Premier Ehud Olmert, adding, "but of course, we must reach the conclusion that this is the right method at the time we make the decision."


Israel has avoided sending troops into Gaza since it withdrew from the territory in the summer, responding to rocket fire with artillery barrages and airstrikes.

Now that Israeli settlements have been removed from northern Gaza, militants can bring their rockets closer to the border fence, bringing the Ashkelon area into range.

Israeli security officials said Thursday that Palestinians will be banned from areas near the border, especially from the ruins of the Jewish settlements.

The officials said soldiers would receive orders to shoot Palestinians entering forbidden zones.

They said the policy would be implemented in the coming days.