Into the frying pan

IF you do have a brace of O'Flynn's bangers to fry, then consider this

IF you do have a brace of O'Flynn's bangers to fry, then consider this. Tefal have invented a new frying pan which they call Armatal. Armatal, they say, has "the most durable non-stick surface ever produced and a unique pan base which demonstrates extraordinary progress in resistance to heat distortion and warping."

Sounds like the saucepan from Terminator 2, doesn't it - The Pan That Can't Be Stopped. Which is appropriate, of course, given that the technology of non-stick pans is the only popular legacy to come from man's attempts at space flight.

Well, the Armatal certainly behaves indestructibly. In part this is because it is wrapped in stainless steel - it's actually pretty groovy in appearance - but what also adds to this feeling of strength is the fact that you don't feel that you can crack the surface, a factor which has always militated against other non-stick pans.

Certainly, the Armatal coped effortlessly with anything we threw at it, and I think for cooks who are just beginning to find their way around the kitchen, the Armatal is a pan which will forgive your mistakes and do most everything right for you.


Tefal Armatal pans come in 26 cm and 30 cm sizes, and cost £26.30 and £31.20. They are available in good kitchenware shops.