Injured bronze medal horse is put down

The horse that American Chris Kappler rode to take individual bronze at the Athens Olympics behind Irish winner Cian O'Connor…

The horse that American Chris Kappler rode to take individual bronze at the Athens Olympics behind Irish winner Cian O'Connor has been put down, writes Grania Willis, Equestrian Correspondent.

Royal Kaliber severely strained a tendon when jumping off against the clock with Brazilian combination Rodrigo Pessoa and Baloubet de Rouet for the silver medal.

The 12-year-old stallion had undergone colic surgery in Holland at the end of September. Intestinal adhesions were treated and the horse had been recovering well until last week, when his condition deteriorated.

"More adhesions were found in the intestine that were not repairable," explained Dr Tim Robert, a veterinarian for the US Equestrian Federation team. "We had no choice but do the humane thing and euthanise him."


The horse was put down last Friday, the day that news of Waterford Crystal's positive dope test was first released.

Kappler could be awarded silver if Cian O'Connor is stripped of his gold medal when the results of the B sample from Waterford Crystal are known. The Americans also stand to take the team gold if the positive test on Ludger Beerbaum's Goldfever results in the Germans being demoted to bronze.

Royal Kaliber was one of three horses that suffered tendon injuries jumping on the controversial grass surface in the Markopoulo equestrian centre near Athens. Last month the International Equestrian Federation set up an independent inquiry to look into the unprecedented number of tendon injuries at the Games.