Inaccuracies are annoying, says Sile

YOU have to remember that this film is a blockbuster, not a documentary, so there are a lot of annoying inaccuracies, such as…

YOU have to remember that this film is a blockbuster, not a documentary, so there are a lot of annoying inaccuracies, such as the fact that Ned Broy lived for decades, and did not die the way he does in the film.

What is more worrying is the impression given that Dev was in - some way involved in setting up the ambush and assassination of Collins at Beal na mBlath.

This is outrageous. It is not based on historical fact: Dev was not aware that Collins was even in the vicinity on the day Collins was shot. I remember asking Dev about this when he was alive. In giving this impression, Jordan is perpetuating a myth based on fiction. It is dangerous add could cause division.

That being said, I enjoyed the film, and thought Neeson's performance as Collins was excellent. As for Kitty Kiernan, the script was very poor, and did an injustice to the real Kitty.


Dev is portrayed as a very cardboard figure. When he makes his escape from Lincoln jail dressed as a prostitute, I roared with laughter. It is true Dev was given a disguise during the escape, but he was not dressed in women's clothes.

The film does not represent the subtlety and complexity of the characters involved. Dev is portrayed as the Baddie and Collins as the Goodie. Dev is seen as prissy with no sense of humour, which is only one side of the man.

Dev had tremendous respect for Collins, and the closeness between the two families exists to the present day. Dev and Collins shared a lot of experiences: they were in the Rising together; they went through difficult times together, politically, economically and physically.

Dev was grief-stricken when he heard about Collins's death. That scene where Dev says: "Now we'll see who's the Big Fella" is utterly wrong. He did not say that. The exchange between Dev and Collins - after the Treaty negotiations is also extremely simplistic, given the months of discussion that were involved.