In short

Today's others stories in brief

Today's others stories in brief

Syria allows entry to US officials

WASHINGTON - Syria has agreed to allow US officials into the country to process refugees from Iraq for admission into the United States, a senior State Department official said yesterday.

The US in turn has renewed its commitment to provide assistance to Iraqi refugees in Syria, said David Welch, assistant secretary for the Near Eastern Affairs Bureau.


"We do appreciate Syria's decision to renew co-operation with us on our programs to address this humanitarian issue," Mr Welch told the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on the Middle East and Africa.

He said there were probably more than 1.4 million Iraqi refugees in Syria. "Until recently Syria has mostly kept its borders open to those coming out of Iraq and has not sent them back," he said. "We're trying to help." - (Reuters)

Seven killed in bridge collapse

DUBAI - At least seven people were killed and about 15 injured on Thursday when a crane hit a half-built Dubai bridge, causing it to collapse in an area near luxury hotels and high-rises in the Gulf tourism hub, officials said.

"According to initial reports, seven are dead and about 15 are injured," said deputy police chief Jamal al- Marri. The collapse appeared to be the result of a construction problem, he said. About 40 construction workers were on top of the bridge when a crane hit a segment of the structure, bringing it down, according to policemen and rescue workers at the site. Nine workers were badly injured. - (Reuters)

EU extends border-free zone

BRUSSELS - Travellers will be able to drive from Riga to Rome or from Prague to Porto without showing their passports, after EU ministers agreed yesterday to extend the bloc's border- free zone to nine more EU states from December 21st.

The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia will join the so-called Schengen zone, which encompasses 15 states. - (Reuters)

Simpson in court on theft charges

LAS VEGAS - Shamed sports star OJ Simpson returned to a courtroom yesterday, not only to face armed robbery charges but also years of doubts and questions about his acquittal on murder charges more than a decade ago.

In the Las Vegas hearing, a justice of the peace will determine if there is enough evidence to put Simpson and two co-defendants on trial on charges of robbing two sports memorabilia dealers in a hotel room. Simpson and his co-accused had all gone to a friend's wedding when they became involved in the incident which has led to the court hearing. Several of the men with him have pleaded guilty to lesser charges in exchange for giving evidence against him. - (Reuters)

Al-Qaeda planning strike in US - FBI

WASHINGTON- An FBI report has warned that al-Qaeda may be planning to strike shopping malls in Chicago and Los Angeles during the Christmas season, but a bureau official said yesterday there was no information it was a credible threat. ABC News first disclosed portions of the report that was based on intelligence received by the FBI in late September.

The report said al-Qaeda hoped to disrupt the US economy and had been planning the attack for the past two years. - (Reuters)

Founder of Samaritans dies

LONDON - Tributes were paid last night to Dr Chad Varah, the founder of the Samaritans, who has died aged 95. Dr Varah launched the Samaritans from St Stephen Walbrooke Church in London more than 50 years ago- ( Reuters)