In short

A round-up of today's other stories in brief.

A round-up of today's other stories in brief.

11 arrested over protest at TD's office

Eleven UCD students were arrested after barricading themselves into Green TD Paul Gogarty's office in Lucan, Co Dublin, yesterday, writes Mary Minihan.

Gardaí said the students caused a small amount of damage to a door.


The protest was organised by Free Education for Everyone, a group of activists describing themselves as "non-partisan" and in favour of free education, in particular at third level. Mr Gogarty is the Green Party's education spokesman.

A Garda spokesman said nine men and two women aged between 18 and 25 barricaded themselves into the office in Muintir na Tíre Hall on Lucan's Main Street shortly after 2pm. A female volunteer was in the office at the time. Shortly after 4pm, the students were arrested for criminal damage. All of them were released without charge yesterday and a file was sent to the DPP.

A statement released earlier in the day by Labour Youth said the organisation fully supported the aims and actions of the group. The statement was sent out by the Labour Party press office.

Deputy Gogarty said this was "disturbing".

Man held after cannabis seized

Cannabis worth €60,000 was seized in Ballincollig, Co Cork, yesterday. A 30-year-old man was arrested after a joint operation by gardaí and Customs and Excise officers carried out a controlled delivery to a premises in Ballincollig. The man was detained under Section 2 of the Drugs Trafficking Act at Gurranabraher Garda station.

Fahy trial told of invoices claim

A Galway County Council official gave evidence yesterday that an Independent councillor, Michael Fahy, told him he submitted invoices to the local authority for fencing purportedly carried out during a public road-widening scheme near his home in 2001 and 2002, because he felt the council owed him money for tonnes of stone removed from his farm at the time the scheme was taking place.

John Morgan, director of services for road and transportation at the council, said the first time the councillor told him of this was a couple of weeks after he had recommended in March 2003 to the then county manager, Donal O'Donoghue, that Mr Fahy's involvement in the scheme at Caherduff Road, Ardrahan, be investigated by the Garda.

Mr Fahy (57), Caherduff Road, Ardrahan, denies seven charges of fraud and attempted theft from Galway County Council in 2002 and 2003. The trial continues.

Crushed to death in farm accident

A 40-year-old man was crushed to death in a workplace accident on a farm near Killarney, Co Kerry, yesterday. The man, from the Listowel area, was alone at the time but was involved with his brother in using heavy machinery to clear rubble and briars from the farm. Inspectors from the Health and Safety Authority were at the scene yesterday.

Pig farm alert over animal feed

Restrictions have been placed on a number of pig farms following the discovery of contaminated animal feed, the Department of Agriculture and Food said last night. It said it had discovered polychlorinated biphenyls, organic pollutants normally occurring as a result of industrial processes, in pork fat during routine monitoring.

Troubles inquiry to shed staff

The Historical Enquiries Team in Northern Ireland, which investigates unresolved killings of the Troubles, is to shed 75 of its 180 staff because of a budget shortfall. The staff, who come under the control of the PSNI, were advised yesterday of the impending job losses.