In Short

A round-up of today's other news in brief...

A round-up of today's other news in brief...

Family vows to continue search for missing man

THE FAMILY of missing Clare man Brecan Mooney have vowed to continue their search until he is found.

Speaking as the search moved from its base at the Lee Rowing Club in Cork to become a mobile unit, Mooney family members thanked volunteers for “their tremendous effort” over the past three weeks.


“Since he went missing we have had so many people joining us in the search, all of whom have given their time so generously. It has been an incredible effort and it has been a huge support to us over the past three weeks,” a sister of the missing man said.

Mr Mooney (31) is believed to have entered the river Lee in Cork on Thursday, November 19th. The search will focus mainly on the river from today and the family would like to hear from boaters who might offer their craft for the search.

Man dies in Derry canoeing accident

A man has died following a canoeing accident on the River Bann near Coleraine, Co Derry.

Emergency services were called to Carnroe at about 2pm yesterday after the man, who was in his 40s, got into difficulties.

His body was recovered from the water a short time later, according to police. There appeared to be no suspicious circumstances to his death, police said.

Local SDLP Assembly member John Dallat said he understood the canoeist got into difficulties at Carnroe, about five miles upstream on the River Bann.

“It is fair to say that this part of the Bann has been swollen in recent weeks as a result of heavy rain and despite being a scenic location famous for salmon fishing would contain strong undercurrents that are perhaps not that obvious,” he said.

Baby girl for Cecelia Ahern and partner

Author Cecelia Ahern (28) and her partner David Keoghan announced the birth of a daughter yesterday afternoon.

A statement said: “David Keoghan and Cecelia Ahern are delighted to announce the arrival of their baby girl Robin. Mother and baby are doing well, with much thanks to the wonderful doctors, midwives and staff of the Rotunda.”

Ms Ahern is the younger daughter of former taoiseach Bertie Ahern. Her sister Georgina gave birth to twins, Rocco and Jay, in April 2007.

Work on controversial Poolbeg incinerator to start despite opposition

Construction of the controversial 600,000 tonne incinerator in Poolbeg, Dublin, is to begin today, amid renewed protests from the local community, writes Olivia Kelly.

Residents will protest against the facility at Seán Moore Road, which leads to the plant, at 5.30pm. Labour councillor Kevin Humphreys said the “costly, foolish” project continued to be opposed by all local public representatives, including Minister for the Environment John Gormley.

The Irish Waste Management Association said the council was “amazingly arrogant” in pressing ahead with the facility.