In Short

A round-up of today's other stories in brief...

A round-up of today's other stories in brief...

Inquest for boy who died after arrest

The inquest into the death of a 14-year-old schoolboy, who died after falling unconscious while in Garda custody, will be heard in two months after a coroner fixed a date for the hearing.

Cork city coroner Dr Myra Cullinane said yesterday she would a hold a full hearing on May 29th of the inquest into the death of Brian Rossiter from Clonmel, who died at Cork University Hospital on September 13th, 2002.


Earlier, his father, Pat Rossiter, expressed his frustration on Newstalk's Breakfast Show at the delay in holding the inquest and completing an inquiry ordered by Minister for Justice Michael McDowell.

Three jailed for raid on bookie

Two men who attempted an armed robbery of a bookmaker on the day on the Irish Grand National have been jailed for eight years and their getaway driver for five by Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

The "premeditated and serious crime" was thwarted by gardaí acting on confidential information. Judge Michael White commended Det Garda Donal Tully on his courage. He told Judge White how he hid in the back of bookie John Carthy's car as he returned from Fairyhouse racecourse and jumped out as three raiders pointed a gun at him.

Anthony Lea (31) and Noel Boylan (32), both of Blanchardstown, and Gerard Claxton (31), Clonee, pleaded guilty to the attempted armed robbery of Mr Carthy on Deansgrange Road, Dublin, to possession of firearms and unlawful use of a car on April 17th, 2006.

Eight years for storing cannabis

A north Dublin man who allowed cannabis valued at €174,000 to be stored in a mobile home in the garden of his parents' house has been jailed for eight years.

Richard Carolan (25), Cloghran, stored the cannabis for a drug dealer to whom he owed €3,000. He pleaded guilty yesterday at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to possession of the drugs for sale or supply.

Heroin addict brothers jailed

Two heroin-addicted brothers who stole more than €500 from a Co Kildare bookmaker's have been jailed for three years by Judge Frank O'Donnell at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

Leonard McKee (28) and Patrick McKee (24), both of Ballyfermot, pleaded guilty to the theft of €506 from Bruce Betting in Leixlip, in October 2004.

Girl (16) helped to rob elderly

A 16-year-old girl who preyed on elderly women by acting as a "decoy" while their homes were burgled, has been remanded in custody until next week pending sentence.

She had pleaded guilty at the Children's Court to taking part in the burglary of an 80-year-old woman's home in Finglas, Dublin, last September. She also admitted burgling the home of an 80-year-old woman in Ballyfermot last December.

The girl, who has seven previous convictions, also faces prosecutions in Kerry and Galway.

Householder fined for garden rubbish

A householder must pay €1,180 for allowing bags of domestic refuse to build up in her back garden. Margaret Devignat, Darndale, was fined and ordered to pay legal costs after failing to respond to warnings from Dublin City Council about her garden.